Turns out there is something weird going on with the handshake between devices. This reddit post has a comment with the solution that worked for me – just a configuration setting on the receiver.
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
NextCloud and HAProxy
Not sure why I never noticed this before…maybe because I only ever tested from my own network?… Anyway, NextCloud would give me the login page, then after I entered my credentials, it would time out.
I made some changes to my NextCloud and HAProxy configs based on this page, and now it works!
Custom Hugin PTO shortcut
Want to be able to select multiple photos in a panorama, then quickly kick off the Hugin auto-analysis for that grouping
> cat ~/bin/my_pto_gen #!/usr/bin/env ruby output = IO.popen(["pto_gen", *ARGV]) output.readlines.each do |line| if(line =~ /Written output to (.*)/) system("PTBatcherGUI", "-a", $1, "-b") end end
> cat ~/bin/my_pto_gen.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Custom Hugin PTO generator
Comment=Initialise a Hugin panorama project from multiple photos & run the assistant
Exec=my_pto_gen %F
GenericName=Panorama project generator & assistant
desktop-file-install --dir=/home/matt/.local/share/applications/ /home/matt/bin/my_pto_gen.desktop
update-desktop-database /home/matt/.local/share/applications/